Sunday, June 14, 2009

o teu blog merece ser filmado

Awards are nice but what really makes them special is when they are given to you by a friend. Actually two good friends, Anne and Sasha the Sassy Shih Tzu have presented this award to me. Did you know a sassy Shih Tzu has a blog? You must go by and say hello to Sasha, she is so cute!! While you are there also say hi to Anne, she is one of the nicest folks you will meet here in the blogger universe.

Here are the rules:1. Post it to the blog and link to who gave it to you.2. Choose 5 life situations that could be repeated in slow motion and explain why.3. List up to twelve blogs and let them know you've given them the award.5 life situations in slow motion and why:
waking up in the morning while the house is still quiet and having that first cup of coffee.
Reading everyone's blogs
Walking in a park, camera in hand
Time with my hubby
Time in my garden, slow motion would allow me to see the smallest details.

o teu blog merece ser filmado
your blog deserves to be filmed
Two Pretty Little Skirts
InLove With Daisies
It's Complicated

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Golden Dreams


Bee very Close


A Bee Story


Bee Under Leaf

This is the size I am using now on Through Squirrel Eyes.


First Post

This blog is for experimental purposes, but at some point I will take it public. If you are visiting please leave a comment and let me know what you think about the photos and the layout.
